Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Two more banks added

Dear All

Yesterday we received the good news that our Bank accepts LC from these two banks as well.

With them we increase our list a bit more.

Hope to keep the good work.



Shipping schedule delay

Dear All

We have received a news from the shipping company.

Vessel Dream Jasmine has changed.

The new vessel is Caribbean highway v.92

Departure date March 20th

Arriving to Colombo on April 4th.

Hope this do not affect you so much.



Sunday, March 13, 2011

2011 Sendai earthquake and tsunami

Dear All
Thank you very much for your kind concerns and warm words.
We all members of JPC TRADE CO., LTD., are fine and with no damages or injuries.
The epicenter of this earthquake was reported to be 130 kilometers of the coast of Japan in Tohoku in the north area of Japan.
Luckily our customer’s vehicles suffer no damages and are currently safe and sound.
However some delays on the scheduled shipments are expected, since we are suffering of a shortage of: electricity, public transportation, phone lines and mobile phones.
We are taking all possible measures for vehicles to make them 100 % safe at the time of exporting.
Thank you so much for your understanding comprehension and business
Best Regards